Vivavideo Pro merupakan aplikasi berbayar di android. Dan seperti biasa kalian bisa download secara gratis dan menginstalnya dari sini. Seperti saya utarakan di atas bahwa Vivavideo Pro kaya akan fitur salah satunya adalah kalian bisa menambahkan efek slow motion,mengabungkan menambah dan mengurangi video dengan mudah. Nah untuk mencoba atau kalian sedang mencari aplikasi ini silahkan download secara gratis disini.
- With this app you can have video camera along with video editor.
- Service from this video app is so much adorable that no other camera app can give.
- Built-in 60+ cool live video effects and more can be downloaded for FREE.
- Watermark-free videos, Unlimited video length features are also available through pro version.
- And many other interesting features are there to serve you in the app.
What’s New
- Improved video editing and stability performance
- Fixed several crash issues
- Other bug fixes
Download & Link
VivaVideo Pro:Video Editor App PRO APK (32 MB) / Mirror